
New visiting student: Chiara Amadori

Ciao, my name is Chiara Amadori, from Pavia Univ., and i just landed at the Lithosphere Dynamics dept. of ICTJA-CSIC, for a 3 moths stage with Daniel Garcia-Castellanos.

The main topic of my 3-years phD project is to create a 3D-model (3D-Move, by Midland) of the Po Plain-Northern Adriatic foredeep basin, defining the clastic distribution pattern during Plio-Pleistocene and its petrographic properties in order to understand the provenance source area. 
The dataset, entirely provided by Eni E&P, is composed of more than 5000 regional seismic profiles, base Pliocene TWT-surface, hundreds well logs and thin sections. 
During this first year, other 5 TWT-surfaces have been traced, describing also the lithologic facies transitions into the basin.
The model includes also the recent topography (DEM 1:10) and fluvial drainage pattern of the area, to compare the position of fluvial incisions along Western Southern Alps to the Late Messinian-Pliocene buried canyons.
To do that we need first to model the flexural subsidence of Late Messinian-Pliocene surface, decompacting the pre-Messinian sedimentary succession and removing the Northern-Appennines lithospheric load at least.
This flexural modeling will be conducted in collaboration with CSIC-ICTJA under the supervision of Daniel Garcia-Castellanos.

Master Thesis, Roma Tre University, 2013/2014: "High-resolution stratigraphy of the pre-evaporitic/evaporitic transition in the late Messinian Adriatic foreland domain"
Tutor: Cosentino D. Co-tutor: Florindo F., Caruso A., Cipollari P.

Ph.D, University of Pavia, 2014/2015: "Architecture and provenance of Plio-Pleistocene Po Plain-Northern Adriatic Basin: controlling factors, petrographic evidences and consequences on facies tracts and petrophysics of sand bodies."
Tutor: Di Giulio A. (Pavia U). Co-tutor: Toscani G., Fantoni R. (Eni)


Conferencias de divulgación geocientífica (50 aniversario del ICTJA)

Con motivo del 50 aniversario de nuestro instituto, cuatro investigadores del ICTJA participamos en el ciclo de conferencias divulgativas en Barcelona: "Las Ciencias de la Tierra en nuestra vida cotidiana", dentro del Cicle Dilluns de Ciència del CSIC-Catalunya.

Lugar: (mapa)
Sala d’Actes de la Residència d’Investigadors,

La conferencias de divulgación son los siguientes lunes:

2 Novembre, 18:30 h,
Charles Darwin, Lord Kelvin, els radioisòtops i el concepte de Temps
Dr. Santiago Giralt

9 Noviembre, 18:30 h
Tambora, 200 años de la erupción que cambió el Mundo
Dra. Adelina Geyer

16 Noviembre, 18:30 h
Megainundaciones, placas tectónicas y la formación del relieve terrestre
Dr. Daniel García-Castellanos

23 Novembre, 18:30 h
Interacció radiació-matèria per a estudiar-ho gairebé tot: nanomaterials, minerals exòtics, obres d’art, cadàvers,...
Dr. Jordi Ibáñez