Mahdi Najafi: fellow at GDL
I am Mahdi Najafi.
I am from Iran and I will stay at GDL for at least 6 months until early June 2012.
I work on my PhD thesis "Fold Style in Fars, Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt" in TMU (Tarbiat-Modares University in Tehran under the supervision of Prof. Ali Yassaghi
My office is in the corner with Eduard Saura and Emilio Casciello.
Jaume Vergés is my advisor.
Passive Seismic Monitoring of an Experimental CO2 Geological Storage Site in Hontomín (Northern Spain)
Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) has been recognized as a promising option for dealing with emissions from fossil fuel combustion to decrease the release of CO2 into the atmosphere. In this context, the Spanish Foundation “Ciudad de la Energía” (CIUDEN) is developing a CO2 Geological Storage Program in saline aquifers in Spain.
2 monitoring will play an essential role to control the possible leakage of the injected fluids to the atmosphere or other geologic formations and will help to track them in the subsurface over time. Passive seismic monitoring is a complementary technique that has potential as long-term, cost-effective method for continuous monitoring of CO2 injection activities. In this context, we have designed a passive seismic network consisting of 30 surface seismic stations and a borehole seismic array that has been deployed before the injection activities start. The Hontomín seismic network (code HO) is composed of 20 three-component SARA SS-45 sensors with natural frequency 4.5 Hz, and 10 Lennartz LE-3D seismometers with natural period 20 s, which have been deployed at about 2-meters in depth. The stations have been distributed, within logistical constraints, in concentric ellipses around the planned CO2 injection well. The interstation distances range from 1 to 2 km, thus covering an area of about 9 km x 8 km. Seismic data are acquired by means of SARA SL-06 digitizers at a sample rate of 200 Hz and they are continuously recorded on-site. The implementation of a digital radio link transmission to a recording data centre is in progress. The surface network will be supplemented in the near future with an array of 12 triaxial 8-12 Hz geophones in a well specifically designed for geophysical monitoring.
The analysis of the first available seismic data has allowed to estimate the ambient noise levels at the station sites and to validate the performance of the network to locate small magnitude induced earthquakes. The quantification of the station short-term noise baselines has served to characterize the seismic noise conditions at each site, as well as to provide us with a tool to assess the quality of the data. Further processing, such as the computation of earthquake locations, will rely on the quality of the seismic data acquired.
Together with the identification of geomechanical deformations through the location of microseismic events, we plan to take advantage of the seismological technique Passive Image Interferometry (PII) to monitor small temporal changes of seismic velocities in the reservoir area. Preliminary correlation analyses performed with seismic noise data from HO network show that the source receiver co-located Green’s functions as well as for larger station distances can be computed for frequencies between 0.5 and 8 Hz with a temporal resolution of 1 day.
We can conclude that the CIUDEN Project at Hontomín test site constitutes a good opportunity to validate, under favorable conditions, the applicability of passive seismology techniques to monitor CO2 storage in deep saline formations.
2 monitoring will play an essential role to control the possible leakage of the injected fluids to the atmosphere or other geologic formations and will help to track them in the subsurface over time. Passive seismic monitoring is a complementary technique that has potential as long-term, cost-effective method for continuous monitoring of CO2 injection activities. In this context, we have designed a passive seismic network consisting of 30 surface seismic stations and a borehole seismic array that has been deployed before the injection activities start. The Hontomín seismic network (code HO) is composed of 20 three-component SARA SS-45 sensors with natural frequency 4.5 Hz, and 10 Lennartz LE-3D seismometers with natural period 20 s, which have been deployed at about 2-meters in depth. The stations have been distributed, within logistical constraints, in concentric ellipses around the planned CO2 injection well. The interstation distances range from 1 to 2 km, thus covering an area of about 9 km x 8 km. Seismic data are acquired by means of SARA SL-06 digitizers at a sample rate of 200 Hz and they are continuously recorded on-site. The implementation of a digital radio link transmission to a recording data centre is in progress. The surface network will be supplemented in the near future with an array of 12 triaxial 8-12 Hz geophones in a well specifically designed for geophysical monitoring.
Images of station HO08. A detail of the instrumentation is also shown. |
The analysis of the first available seismic data has allowed to estimate the ambient noise levels at the station sites and to validate the performance of the network to locate small magnitude induced earthquakes. The quantification of the station short-term noise baselines has served to characterize the seismic noise conditions at each site, as well as to provide us with a tool to assess the quality of the data. Further processing, such as the computation of earthquake locations, will rely on the quality of the seismic data acquired.
Together with the identification of geomechanical deformations through the location of microseismic events, we plan to take advantage of the seismological technique Passive Image Interferometry (PII) to monitor small temporal changes of seismic velocities in the reservoir area. Preliminary correlation analyses performed with seismic noise data from HO network show that the source receiver co-located Green’s functions as well as for larger station distances can be computed for frequencies between 0.5 and 8 Hz with a temporal resolution of 1 day.
Temporal stability of the vertical component autocorrelation functions at station HO06 for the frequency range 0.5-1 Hz. |
We can conclude that the CIUDEN Project at Hontomín test site constitutes a good opportunity to validate, under favorable conditions, the applicability of passive seismology techniques to monitor CO2 storage in deep saline formations.
Seismic network
Listen to a Paper - Messinian salinity crisis regulated by competing tectonics and erosion at the Gibraltar arc
Browsing the web I found the following link:
A mediterranean mysteryI think it is worth hearing it. The Nature Podcast from 15 December 2011.
Wave scattering d'alçada
Bonic patró d'interferencia d'ones, amb la curiositat de que no es tracta de sismica sino de nuvols. L'imatge es una foto satelit del Mar del Nord (prop de les Faroe) i l'origen de les interferencies son les illes i illots que pertorben les corrents d'aire.
Mes informació a:
Ductile crustal flow in Europe's lithosphere
Otro paper de la Tesauro y compañía sobre la litosfera Europea.
En este trabajo usan sus modelos anteriores (de espesores cortical, litosférico, elástico, la resisténcia litosférica, ...) para determinar los gradientes laterales de presión resultantes de las variaciones de densidad y grosor cortical. Los gradientes de presión los utilizan para predecir las tasas de deformación del flujo dúctil. Comparando éste con la anisotropía del manto y las velocidades en superficie de GPS cuantifican el espesor de las zonas de baja viscosidad en la corteza inferior. En general, la corteza fluye alejándose de los orógenos hacia las zonas más débiles adyacentes.
En este trabajo usan sus modelos anteriores (de espesores cortical, litosférico, elástico, la resisténcia litosférica, ...) para determinar los gradientes laterales de presión resultantes de las variaciones de densidad y grosor cortical. Los gradientes de presión los utilizan para predecir las tasas de deformación del flujo dúctil. Comparando éste con la anisotropía del manto y las velocidades en superficie de GPS cuantifican el espesor de las zonas de baja viscosidad en la corteza inferior. En general, la corteza fluye alejándose de los orógenos hacia las zonas más débiles adyacentes.
Història profunda del Palau Sant Jordi
Albert Ventayol Lázaro has sent you a message.
Date: 11/29/2011
Subject: Nueva entrada en GeoVentayol
Moviendo el Palau Sant Jordi. El subsuelo forzó un cambio en el emplazamiento original del Palau. http://www.geoventayol.blogspot.com/2011/11/moviendo-el-palau-sant-jordi.html
Proyecto Atlántropa
Tan pronto como los geólogos de principios del siglo XX imaginaron el Mediterráneo desecado durante la era Messiniense, un ingeniero alemán se obsesionó con llevarlo a la práctica. Herman Sörgel promocionó entre los acaudalados su enorme presa entre Algeciras y Tánger (el proyecto Atlantropa) con bastante éxito. Tenía el humanitario objetivo de impulsar el intercambio económico entre Europa y África, aprovechando la dudosa ventaja de un Mediterráneo parcialmente desecado. Poseído por su idea, no supo o no quiso ver los 'contras' de semejante disparate, pero la causa de su fracaso fue otra: los gobernantes de su país tenían por entonces planes menos filantrópicos para Europa y África, la Segunda Guerra Mundial llegó y Atlantropa (always look at the bright side) nunca llegó a la práctica.
Difícil de creer, pero todavía hay adeptos del proyecto, y de cierta reputación, así que cuidado porque a lo mejor nos lo secan, fijaos:
Mapa del Proyecto Atlantropa (fuente: Wikimedia Commons) |
- R.B. Cathcart, "What if We Lowered the Mediterranean Sea?", Speculations in Science and Technology, 8: 7-15 (1985).
- R.B. Cathcart, "Mitigative Anthropogeomorphology: a revived 'plan' for the Mediterranean Sea Basin and the Sahara", Terra Nova: The European Journal of Geosciences, 7: 636-640 (1995).
Artículo interesante
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un artículo in press en G-cubed. Resulta que el segundo autor(a) hizo la promesa de correr una carrera de 10 km en un periodo de 3 meses a partir de la fecha de aceptación (15 de noviembre). Yo digo que si lo consigue (es culona, ma non troppo), que aporte a este blogg una prueba.
un artículo in press en G-cubed. Resulta que el segundo autor(a) hizo la promesa de correr una carrera de 10 km en un periodo de 3 meses a partir de la fecha de aceptación (15 de noviembre). Yo digo que si lo consigue (es culona, ma non troppo), que aporte a este blogg una prueba.
Esllavissament espectacular a California
Biografia de la Tierra
El llibre de divulgació en Geologia d'en Paco Anguita ara disponible lliurament en pdf. Trobareu la noticia i el link per baixar el fitxer a:
Paper con imagenes interesantes.
Interpretation workflows enabled by a Domain Transform
Geoffrey A. Dorn* introduces the Domain Transform designed to substantially enhance imaging of depositional systems for rapid identification and interpretation. It also enables a number of new workflows intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of 3D seismic exploration and development.
Geoffrey A. Dorn* introduces the Domain Transform designed to substantially enhance imaging of depositional systems for rapid identification and interpretation. It also enables a number of new workflows intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of 3D seismic exploration and development.
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