
ICTJA PhD presentation award 2018 - Angel Valverde (Oral Presentation)

About 80 million years ago, in the late Cretaceous, the Iberian microplate was very different from the present configuration. Simplifying a little bit: the western part of past Iberia was above sea level whereas the eastern part was partially under the sea. Iberia location was between the African plate and Euroasiatic plate. Around 200 km far from the Eurasian plate, and 300 km far from the African.
In the north, there was an oceanic ridge that pushes counterclockwise to the peninsula, in what is known as the opening of the Bay of Biscay. At the same time, we had an eastward movement caused by the Atlantic ridge. As if that were not enough, the African plate and the Euroasiatic began to converge, causing a tectonic contraction in the Iberian microplate. As a result, two converging boundaries generated, one in the south, in the Betics and the other in the north, which produced the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian mountains. But why were mountains generated in the interior?

Some scientist suggest a complete bulge of the whole peninsula which generated hight topography in the middle of Iberia. With both subductions in the north and south and surface processes, we would have the actual configuration of mountain belts. Other scientist suggest that tectonic compression generated a folding of the entire lithosphere.  However, the shortening caused by the movements in the different layers of the crust can't be explained by these two theories, so it has been suggested several detachment levels that transmit efforts from the edges towards the interior, raising intraplate mountain chains.

Figure 1.

Through numerical models, we try to understand the mechanisms involved in the generation of the relief of the peninsula as well as the structure below the surface. Considering it is not possible to know exactly the past configuration of the Iberian Peninsula, we have made several models in order to explain the shortening differences of the crystal layers, as well as the overall geostructure.

We start with an initial mechanical model for a profile that goes from the bay of Biscay, through the Cantabrian range, through the basin of the Duero reaching the Central system. We also include a detachment level in the middle crust and two initial faults in the central system that come from tectonic movements before 80 million years. Afterwards, we introduce the temperature and rheologies for each zone of the model in order to reproduce the different shortening in the crust.

Figure 2.

Some studies suggest that the shortening of the upper crust is between 70-97 km in the northern part and the shortening of the lower crust of about 120 km, starting in Cretaceous times untill ~15My ago. That implies small lower crust subduction under the Cantabrian area. Moreover, the central system is estimated to have a maximum of 22 km of shortening at some points, in the last 40 My (dashed squares in Figure 5). Likewise, there is no record of shortening in the Duero basin. This fact does not imply that shortening has not been produced in the area, evidence could have been erased through time. Apart from the rheologies, a plasticity criterion is included for when there are high strain rates that generate high levels of stress where shear zones or fractures occur.

Figure 3. Topography, moho and LAB profiles for most representative models. SRTM15 is real topography of transect AB from figure 1. Grey dashed line is a previous study based in density changes from Carballo et al., that also include seismic data.

Looking into the results of the mechanical models, the one that best explains the different shortening is the M3 model, which has as a peculiarity a weak zone in the north that goes down to the upper mantle lithosphere. That generates the subduction, along with the compression tectonic movement. Model M2 has good results of shortening but the plastic criterion was easier than the M3 model and it does not have that weak zone going into the upper mantle. So there is no subduction, just thickening. Also, the structure of the material was not adequate in order to compare with the real geostructure.

Figure 4

Although shortenings coincide for M3, we can observe in figure 3 that the topography, the discontinuity of the MOHO and the LAB are very high than previous studies suggest.

When we introduce temperature gradients for the model (figure 1). The relation of density and viscosity in the model change. Now is not vertical nor linear profiles. Density changes due to the different temperature of the lithospheres that compounds the model, in this case, one is continental and the other is young oceanic. And viscosity changes due to temperature, depth, pressure and strain rate in what is call power-law creep.  Using these temperature profiles and different rheologies, strain rate accommodates in a distinct way than in mechanical models. As we can see in figure 4, those modifications change the geodynamic evolution of the model. And also shortenings are modified. But the geostructure is much more similar to the real one. 

Figure 5


Weak zones, either inherited or new, localise strain rate, increasing stress in the surroundings. Although, topograhy pattern is preserved in all models, geostructure changed quite a lot, and including temperature fix better with real one as strain rate is being localised in a different parts and in distinct way. Crustal subduction happens only when a mid crustal detachment level is predefined down to the lithosperic mantel. As we can see, plastic criteria also plays important role in the distribution of the weaknesses.

Finally, we want to say to the reader than new models with few changes in rheologies are coming soon (Figure 5 dashed black line), in order to have better results in crustal shortening. So be patient, we are getting there.

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